
Professional collaborations


Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform

The Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform was established as a tripartite partnership between UNICEF, IDS and Anthrologica. The platform links the humanitarian sector with social science and anthropology expertise on the social, cultural, political and economic contexts of emergencies. The Platform collaborates with networks of social and communication experts with regional and subject expertise to provide rapid insight, analysis and advice on critical dimensions of emergency and response.

CDAC Network

The Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform was established as a tripartite partnership between UNICEF, IDS and Anthrologica. The platform links the humanitarian sector with social science and anthropology expertise on the social, cultural, political and economic contexts of emergencies. The Platform collaborates with networks of social and communication experts with regional and subject expertise to provide rapid insight, analysis and advice on critical dimensions of emergency and response.

Quebec Outbreak Intervention Symposium

The Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform was established as a tripartite partnership between UNICEF, IDS and Anthrologica. The platform links the humanitarian sector with social science and anthropology expertise on the social, cultural, political and economic contexts of emergencies. The Platform collaborates with networks of social and communication experts with regional and subject expertise to provide rapid insight, analysis and advice on critical dimensions of emergency and response.


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